Civ 6 Aircraft Carrier - I was in the Navy for 7 years and I must say, you did a phenomenal job of having their promotion tree actually be relevant to what Aircraft carriers do. Bravo, your mod is going to be one of those special few that I use in every game.
I want to be very wrong, but I think the aircraft carrier is supposed to operate just like the aerodromes built on land. Does it just not work as such? Here is a scenario that I want to give to show my misconception of the unit.
Civ 6 Aircraft Carrier
I am sending an entire navy escorting my army to invade another country, however, they are at least 20 hexes away. Can I use the aircraft carrier to deploy the planes anywhere I want to cover my units in the water?
I want to dock this unit in foreign waters and deploy the planes into hostile territory (again) 20 hexes away from any of my cities. HOWEVER these can be easily pillaged via highly mobile late game units (helos and tanks) If you were to instead get a couple carriers out (say 5-6) your entire squadron of airplanes is now able to travel around the map in an instant where
ever they are needed and they are nearly impossible to lock down as you can always just move the aircraft carrier AND easily defend all of your naval units with the airplanes. Also keep in mind that many many people neglect ships meaning that you can use these units to control both the land and the seas (and of course air).
Cries in Nintendo switch CIV 6 D: This sounds so epic, I think the carriers are way to weak in the game compared to their real version. I wish there would be an option to get this mod for the switch :(
To base an aircraft in the carrier, click the plane and choose "rebase" and move it to the carrier. Then you can select the carrier and move. To attack select the plane in the carrier and do a bombing run.
Looking at the promotion tree, it seems that it still has a melee strength, which means that it's likely that it'll defend back. It's melee strength isn't very high though, so the other ships of those eras will still easily destroy it
you'd be shocked just how wrong you are (about them not being worth the cost). The only other way to get mobile airplanes is to build a crap tun of engineers to spam out some airstrips.
Question, as it isn't explained in the mod, and I'm at work right now so can't test for myself: what happens if an Aircraft Carrier is attacked by say, a Naval Meele unit? Does it just take straight damage?
Does it sink? I didn't know this either ( tho I haven't played in almost a year because it needs an update and I I downloaded it on the new computer I got and epic games sucks and won't even let me open it half the time because of trash
wifi) Your work is great! The only catch I see with the promotions is the op potential of the anti sub promotion, making the aircraft carrier a full counter to subs... when subs were actually designed to sink capital ships (ie carriers in WWII) Would it be possible to tune the
promotion down a bit (like : increase the detection range of hidden unit by one tile) ? Or making a tier III promotion? So the aircraft only extends the range of nearby air bases? I want the aircraft carrier to function as an aerodome;
Air units base on them and deploy with a reasonable range from the unit itself rather than being dependent on aerodome built on land. I really want to find a way to use aircraft carriers properly as I think their the coolest irl ships in the world.
There is no better late game units than airplanes as they can easily both attack and defend in an instant, traveling from your capital to the front line and vice versa in 1 turn and attacking in 2 regardless of the distance (I've used them to defend
from a sneak attack against my capitol while they were attacking another player 40 tiles away). Although hard to get online they remain my favorite unit in Civ 6.
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